Thursday, September 07, 2006

First Day of School (as a Teacher Assistant)

It's been a couple of days...orientation with the whole district, working with my department, first meeting 9th graders and - at last - a full day of school with all grades. A few things strike me at this point in the game.

Personally, it is really hard for me to make this transition from stay at home mother to student/teacher. Time management is critical, and I am feeling really overwhelmed by all that I have to do and want to do. My time feels more precious than ever.

As a student, this class is challenging and fast paced -- I love it. I feel like I am really learning new material and learning how to apply this to my classroom. I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with the other ways I'm spending my time.

Professionally, this is a challenge. I have been the classroom teacher of 25-34 students in an urban setting with up to 6 special needs students on my own. It's an adjustment to be in a district that even has a support staff. As a teaching assistant, I am struggling with being in the periphery, even though I chose this position over a teaching position so I would not have all the responsibilities of a teacher. On the other hand, it is good to meet and begin connecting with my students, especially students I will be working with in a resource room setting. I am eager to learn about the special education program and how it serves its students.

Tomorrow, my first week will be over...I feel emotionally and intellectually exhausted by my new schedule...not sure what else to say.

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