Monday, September 18, 2006

Teacher vs. Teaching Assistant

I had an interesting day today. As a certified and experienced classroom teacher, I wondered how I would do with being in a support staff position. Would there be conflict? Would I disagree with the teacher I was working with? Would I find good teaching practices in the classrooms I was working in? I have seen some good teaching and some great teaching. One of the teachers I work with has been particularly open to my input, and I feel like I am truly part of a teaching team in her class. In other classes, I have been clerical/errand girl, which is what I expected in part. Even that aspect of the job has been okay.

However, today I had a situation where - without thinking about the implications - I did not do what the teacher asked me to do. She asked me to remove a student whose cell phone rang during class (and the kid had answered it!) and bring him to the office. I removed him from the room, but instead of taking the disciplinary measures she wanted me to take, I talked with him. Without getting into too much detail, this student is having some trouble with school (not doing homework, missing class, coming late to school, not getting enough sleep, being bullied to the point of having his thumb broken, being generally out of it). I don't know all the details of what's going on with him, but I just thought there was a better way to handle the situation. So I did it my way.

The following period, I was pulled from another class and asked to find this student and bring him to the assistant principal's office, which I did. As we walked to her office, this student and I spoke a little about his bullying situation. It was clear that he knows who is bullying him, but doesn't want to tell the administration the person's name. He says, "It's no big deal. It's funny how important he thinks this makes him." When this student spoke with the AP, he changed his story (unconvincingly). His parents were called (not exactly sure of the parent situation). I worked with him on some homework 8th period and went over what he needed to do at home that night.

So, now I'm worrying about this student, and I'm worrying about me. Did I do the right thing? Am I allowed to make that kind of decision? Are there consequences for this? Will there be tension or conflict between me and the teacher? Does this impact my reputation? Is he doing his work? Is he going to get a good night's sleep? What are the repercussions of a phone call from the AP? What exactly is the extent of the bullying? What is the best way to hanndle bullying? What is my role in a situation like this?

Looking for advice and an unbiased opinion...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, how did this incident play out after Tuesday?