Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School

Well, I find myself home after my first evening as a graduate student at SUNY Cortland. I am eager to learn more about how to better serve my students. The thing that is sticking with me most at this point is how negative the tone can become when we talk about teaching and the education system in this country.

There are so many challenges in teaching, and it is easy to feel unsupported or overwhelmed by environmental factors that affect one's classroom. However, I believe maintaining a positive attitude is vital to a successful classroom and overall teaching/learning experience. My strength and determination to persevere comes from my students -- past, present and future. They never cease to amaze me in their overall spirit. With regard to technology in the classroom, I will always think of one particularly special young woman who, understanding the importance of computers, sought my help in getting an email address. Even with the limited access at school, she took it upon herself to make sure she had the tools she needed to achieve her goals. This motivation is just one of the remarkable qualities she possesses. As she begins her sophomore year of college, I am proud to say she is continuing to succeed and achieve. How do you think teachers can stay positive about such challenging work?

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