Thursday, September 28, 2006

Final Project Thoughts

I had originally hoped to do some research on the way my students are using technology at home and at school. However, as my schedule continues to change and concerns about using students arise, I am having trouble seeing this as a viable project.

My second thought would be to work with Shade Gomez (since we work in the same building), but what? Is there anyone out there with a suggestion?


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, Oh, I had hoped you would find that "users' group to study in your building.

You might find them right in Shade's classroom!!

Danielle said...

I would definitely tap into Shade Gomez as a resource since he is so accessible to you. Perhaps you could survey his students and ask their opinions about the projects they do in his class. Our class got a look from a teacher's view of what he is doing in the classroom, but it would be interesting to see how the students feel about it. How much do they benefit from it? Are any kids left behind because of technical difficulties/access issues? What would they add? What would they change?

You could also introduce the idea of the flat world and have them explore that topic and see what they come up with. I think there are endless possibilities if you are allowed to interact with his students.

natdat said...

Sarah, I would definitely work with Shade if possible. Of course, your most recent post speaks of how busy you are, which all of us can sympathize with, believe me. But even if you worked something out where you could work with a small group of students once or twice a week on something, I think you could produce something meaningful both for yourself and for our class. What that is, I don't know. But I agree with Danielle that really getting student input would be fantastic. Maybe you could also delve deeper into Shade's struggles to incorporate technology into the school as well....Good luck!